Welcome to RAS Dwellings. We are striving to become the UK’s leading independent provider of support services for young people aged 16+.
Get to Know Us
We help individuals stand on their own feet and integrate into the community by providing support with a real impact.
Supported Accomodation
Religion and Culture
Floating Support Service
All of our innovative services are focused on supporting people to be as independent as possible within their own homes and in their local community.
We encourage young people to explore and fully understand their rights in this aspect and be well informed about ways of challenging discrimination.
We support and encourage individuals with everyday tasks, including personal assistance, housing-related tasks, household chores, grocery shopping, etc.

RAS Dwellings
We are committed to providing care which we would like to receive ourselves.
Our Mission
At RAS Dwellings, we guide our services based on the young people who use them, so the assistance we offer is entirely dependent on the individual’s requirements. Our mission, therefore, is to provide a comprehensive personalised system of support for individuals aged 16+ that speaks to them and not above them. Collaboration is vital in building trustful relationships between the service user and their support worker, which makes a positive impact, and over time changes lives for the better. This is our ultimate mission and driving motivator.